Within the framework of its 2012 G-20 presidency, Mexico will host the first G-20 Trade & Investment Promotion Summit in
Mexico City
November 5 - 6, 2012. The series of meetings will bring together high
level representatives of trade promotion organizations and investment promotion
agencies as well as business leaders from G-20 member countries to share
perspectives and recommendations aimed at facilitating trade and investment
throughout the global economy. The event will be held in a roundtable
format, with sessions focusing on topics such as global value chains, synergies
between trade and investment and maximizing the value of government services,
among others. Particular attention will be paid to the role of small and
medium enterprises (SMEs). The summit will be opened by Mexican Economy
Minister Bruno Ferrari and will feature participation by leading global players
such as International Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Stefano Bertasi,
World Trade Organization Chief of Staff Arancha González Laya and OECD
Secretary General José Angel Gurría.
The G-20 is an organization composed of 20 leading developed
and emerging economies, including that of the European Union. The group
was launched in 1999 as a forum for consultation and cooperation by finance and
banking officials on policy matters affecting international economic stability.
The presidency or chair of the G-20 rotates annually. Mexico , as
chair for 2012, hosted the G-20 Summit in June of this year at the Pacific
coast resort of Los Cabos. The meeting was attended by heads of
government and other top officials from the organization’s member economies,
such as U.S. President Barack Obama, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and
Chinese President Hu Jintao, in addition to host Mexican President Felipe
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